Private GP Surgery

Mental Capacity Assessment, Lasting Power of Attorney & COP3 Certificate Provider – Professional Legal Services

Mental Capacity Assessments

Private GP Surgery is an expert in providing Capacity assessments. Also known as mental capacity assessments, these evaluations conducted by our experienced GP help to determine an individual’s ability to make informed decisions about their own healthcare, finances, legal matters, or other aspects of their life. These assessments are essential for safeguarding the rights and well-being of individuals who may have cognitive impairments, dementia, mental health conditions, or other factors affecting their decision-making capacity. These assessments help guide decision-making processes and protect vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of harm. 

Our Mental Health Act Section 12 approved doctor has already carried out over 500 capacity assessments. We can help with all of following:

  • Mental Capacity Assessment
  • Lasting Power of Attorney 
  • Capacity / Power of Attorney to Manage Property and Finance
  • Capacity / Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare
  • Certificate provider for Lasting Power of Attorney
  • COP3 Capacity Assessment
  • Testamentary Capacity / Capacity to make Will
Please call or email us to discuss your needs and arrange appointment. The assessment can be carried out at our Harley Street Clinic or our doctor can do home visit at a time convenient for you. We are usually able to arrange these at short notice as well. 

Here are key points about capacity assessments:

  1. Purpose:
    • Capacity assessments are performed to assess an individual’s decision-making capacity in specific areas, such as medical treatment decisions, financial matters, or the execution of legal documents (e.g., wills, powers of attorney).
    • The goal is to determine whether the person has the capacity to understand relevant information, appreciate the consequences of their decisions, and communicate their choices.
  2. Components:
    • The assessment typically involves a structured evaluation conducted by our Mental Health Approved Section 12 GP.
    • It assesses the individual’s cognitive abilities, reasoning, judgment, memory, and communication skills in relation to the specific decision or task at hand.
  3. Legal Framework:
    • Capacity assessments are often conducted within a legal framework, as they have legal implications for issues like consent to medical treatment, testamentary capacity for creating wills, and the appointment of legal guardians.
  4. Informed Consent:
    • In healthcare settings, capacity assessments are important for obtaining informed consent for medical procedures or treatments. It ensures that patients understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a proposed treatment.
    • When capacity is impaired, a surrogate decision-maker (such as a legal guardian or family member) may be involved in making healthcare decisions on the individual’s behalf.
  5. Decision-Specific:
    • Capacity assessments are decision-specific, meaning that they evaluate an individual’s capacity to make a particular decision at a specific point in time.
    • An individual may have the capacity to make some decisions but not others, depending on their cognitive abilities and the complexity of the decision.
  6. Presumption of Capacity:
    • In most cases, there is a presumption that individuals have capacity unless proven otherwise. Our GP will support and facilitate your decision-making to the greatest extent possible.
  7. Documentation and Reporting:
    • The results of capacity assessments are typically documented in a formal report that outlines the individual’s cognitive abilities, understanding of relevant information, and ability to make decisions.
    • These reports may be used in legal proceedings, healthcare decision-making, or other contexts.
  8. Ethical Considerations:
    • When conducting capacity assessments, we always consider ethical principles, such as respect for autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence, in our interactions with individuals who may have impaired capacity.
Private GP Performing Mental Capacity Assessment
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